Your system crashed because it ran out of 64K pinnable memory.
Unfortunately the dump does not show what was using this memory. To get
this information you would need to enable MODS (Memory Overlay
Detection). MODS is a kernel memory debugger included with AIX.
MODS uses some system resources and will cause a slight performance
degradation on your system, but this is typically below 5%.
MODS uses some system resources and will cause a slight performance
degradation on your system, but this is typically below 5%.
How to Enable MODS
# bosdebug -M
# bosboot -a -d /dev/ipldevice
# reboot the system
How to Disaable MODS
# bosdebug -o
# bosboot -a -d /dev/ipldevice
# reboot the system
How to check the current status of MODS
# bosdebug -L
Memory debugger off <<<<< MODS is off
Memory sizes 0
Network memory sizes 0
Kernel debugger off
Real Time Kernel off
Backtracking fault log off