'01.기술자료'에 해당되는 글 36건

  1. Installing a GPFS update for AIX

Installing a GPFS update for AIX


IBM Fix사이트에서 발췌

Installing a GPFS update for AIX
Complete these steps to install the fix package:

Unzip and extract the BFF image(s) from the *.tar.gz file:

gzip -d -c < filename >.tar.gz | tar -xvf -

Verify the update's BFF image(s) in the directory.

Normally, the BFF images in the directory would be similar to the following:
Unnnnnn .gpfs.base.bff
Unnnnnn .gpfs.msg.en_US.bff
Unnnnnn .gpfs.docs.data.bff

where nnnnnn represents the six (6) digits of the PTF number for the BFF image.

For specific filenames, check the Readme for the GPFS update by clicking the "View" link for the update on the Download tab.

Follow the installation and migration instructions in your GPFS Concepts, Planning and Installation Guide.
